
The facial recognition technology of gate machines is becoming more mature and has more promising de

The facial recognition technology of gate machines is becoming more mature and has more promising de

The facial recognition technology of gate machines is becoming more mature and has more promising development prospects
Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, face recognition systems have been applied to channel gates. Three-roller gates, swing gates, wing gates, revolving gates and other gates can be applied. Through face recognition technology, it is decided whether to allow people to pass. Channel gate face recognition is considered to be one of the most difficult research topics in the field of biometric recognition and even artificial intelligence. The difficulty of face recognition is mainly caused by the characteristics of face as a biometric feature.

The visual characteristics of the face are:

First, there is not much difference between different individuals. The structure of all faces is similar, and even the structure and appearance of facial organs are very similar. Such characteristics are beneficial for positioning using faces, and the channel gate system can develop in all directions through this aspect.

Second, the appearance of the face is very unstable. People can produce many expressions through changes in the face, and the visual image of the face is also very different from different observation angles. In addition, face recognition is also affected by many factors such as lighting conditions (such as day and night, indoors and outdoors, etc.), many facial coverings (such as masks, sunglasses, hair, beards, etc.), and age. The facial recognition technology of the channel gate can eliminate these difficulties one by one, thus achieving the ideal application effect.

Now the facial recognition technology of the channel gate is becoming more and more mature and has more and more promising development prospects. At present, it is also rapidly popularized in the application of China.

The channel gate combined with the IC card reader constitutes an intelligent channel gate comprehensive management system, which can realize the functions of access control, attendance, and charging. We can usually set up a set of channel gates at the entrance and exit of large conference venues, which can facilitate the attendance and check-in of participants, the statistics and inquiries of conference managers; and provide an easy solution for effectively mastering and managing the entry and exit and attendance of participants. At the same time, it also tactfully refuses the entry of non-participants and ensures the order of the meeting. It greatly reduces the workload of conference service personnel and greatly improves the work efficiency of the meeting.

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